Forum Discussion

KevinA's avatar
Retired GoTo Contributor
15 years ago

One2Many Script Repository

Welcome to the LogMeIn Central Script Repository!


What is it? A library of scripts to help you execute automated tasks and manage LogMeIn Pro² computers without having to access them manually.
How does it work? Simply browse the .txt files below, save as a .BAT file and head to your LogMeIn Central console. Then, navigate to the One2Many tab, and select "Run a batch file or executable." From there, simply upload the batch file and you're ready to go. 
How can you help? We encourage you to share your own scripts and/or help review the scripts of others-- just "Kudo" your favorites or reply with your comments. 
Use of these scripts is at your own risk so please test them on a small number of systems before deploying at scale. The scripts are provided “as is” without any warranty of any kind and LogMeIn disclaims any and all liability regarding any use of the scripts.  Please see the following Terms and Conditions for more information.
Remember: The currently running One2Many script ends when either the host service stops or the script includes computer shutdown or reboot tasks.
Script Repository

Microsoft Updates


Windows Update Javascript- The following script will perform comprehensive Windows Updates (Windows and Microsoft updates) on remote computers.  This java script must be run as a Custom Task within One2Many with cscript being the entry point, Command to execute to update and install in the Custom Task is:

cscript.exe "%LMI_PACKAGEROOT%\wu.js" /sa /i



/sa will  find updates that are flagged to be automatically selected by Windows Update.  This is critical to avoid installing all available updates for the computer as this may include over ten 500Mb language support files on Vista and Win7. /i is the command argument that instructs the script to download and install the updates found.  Additional arguments are outlined within the source code of the JavaScript. 


Both the script and the command to execute can be customized to suite your environment’s needs.


Disable Firewall- disable the Microsoft Windows Firewall for the appropriate version of Windows. 
Enable Firewall-  enable the Microsoft Windows Firewall for the appropriate version of Windows. 
Install AVI Convert-  install the LogMeIn Rescue AVI Converter which converts LogMeIn Rescue .rcec
 recordings to .avi, for the appropriate version of Windows.
Update AVG Virus Definitions: Updates your AVG (versions 8 and/or 9) virus definition files 
Purge DLL Cachedelete and restore the cache folder associated with Microsoft System File Checker for the appropriate version of Windows.
Reboot- reboot the remote device(s) with an end-user notification for the appropriate version of Windows. Remember: When a host is restarted, it disconnects from Central and the currently running One2Many script stops. Since One2Many cannot continue script execution, rebooting a device should be the last step of your One2Many script as it ends the script.
Shut down-shut down the remote device(s) immediately for the appropriate version of Windows. Remember: When a host is shut down, it disconnects from Central and the currently running One2Many script stops. Since One2Many cannot continue script execution, shutting down a device should be the last step of your One2Many script as it ends the script.
Reset System Restore-  reset (disable/enable) Microsoft System Restore for the appropriate version of 
Turn Off System Restore- disable Microsoft System Restore for the appropriate version of windows.
Turn On System Restore- enable Microsoft System Restore for the appropriate version of windows.
Defrag- Defragments C volume
Spool Cleaner- Cleans print spooler (submitted by iDevelop)
LogMeIn UpdateUpdates host software with the latest version of LogMeIn. 



Use of these scripts is at your own risk so please test them on a small number of systems before deploying at scale. The scripts are provided “as is” without any warranty of any kind and LogMeIn disclaims any and all liability regarding any use of the scripts.  Please see the following Terms and Conditions for more information.
(edited and updated 2/23/23 by GlennD)
  • Anon51436's avatar
    Active Contributor

    A handy quick scan MALWARE scanner command line:


    c:\a2cmd /u
    c:\a2cmd /deep m /t /c /a /log=c:\mt\a2cmd\logs /d


    You can Download A2 Squared and then Copy the following files from program files to c:\


    The only files you need to copy from program files folder is:




    The rest is created when updates and scanning is done.


    Further switches can be found from a2 squared website.


  • Anon51436's avatar
    Active Contributor

    Hi guys,


    AVG 2011 with switches I use when installing via ONE2MANY.

    Program downloaded: avg_free_x86_all_2011_1120a3152.exe

    Switches: /AppMode=setup /UILevel=Silent /Selectedlanguage=1033 /InstallToolbar=0 /ChangeBrowserSearchProvider=0 /InstallSidebar=0 /DisableScan /KillProcessIfNeeded


    You can alter your own switches by looking up the PDF document (page 241) form here:


    Some hinderences that stop this download and install from happening are:

    1. AVAST or other virus software installed. If older versiona of AVG are installed the above switches will autoboot and install on reboot without user intervention.


    2. UAC turned in under users on Vista and windows 7.


    This will mean logging into the dash board to view installed programs which is time consuming and a pain.... OInstead I run this script to view installed programs from the script log which is much quicker.


    regedit /e c:\regexport.txt "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"
    find "DisplayName" c:\regexport.txt >c:\regprogs.txt
    type c:\regprogs.txt
    del c:\regexport.txt
    del c:\regprogs.txt




    • Twisted Networx's avatar
      Twisted Networx

      Has anyone else tried running this script? (I'm new to the One2Many tool and coming into this late). I tested it on one of my bench PC's here at the shop. Are you using a full download of AVG 2011 or the 4mb download they issue off the site?

      I ran your script as an Executable since it's not an MSI. With the parameters "/AppMode=setup /UILevel=Silent /Selectedlanguage=1033 /InstallToolbar=0 /ChangeBrowserSearchProvider=0 /InstallSidebar=0 /DisableScan /KillProcessIfNeeded"



      I get a failure. This is the log output:

      Task Name:            AVG 2011 Free
      Type:                 Run batch or executable
      Host Name:            LOKI
      Plan Name:            AVG Free Installation
      Started:              11/20/2010 09:31:18
      Ended:                11/20/2010 09:31:22 (4 secs)
      Command executed:     "avg_free_stb_all_2011_1153_cnet.exe" /AppMode=setup /UILevel=Silent /Selectedlanguage=1033 /InstallToolbar=0 /ChangeBrowserSearchProvider=0 /InstallSidebar=0 /DisableScan /KillProcessIfNeeded
      Exit code:            -536752089



      • Anon51436's avatar
        Active Contributor
        Yeah your script looks good to me. download the full exe not the short version.
        Your error will be to do with the machine your installing to I would think. 
        Check your machine is 32 bit vs 64bit. you need to install the right install for this. give both versions.
        - Check for AVAST or antivirus software this needs uninstalling.
        - UAC needs to be turned off.
        - OR the machine you are installing to has 2011 already. this will give you an error the same as yours.
  • Anon51436's avatar
    Active Contributor

    I have been using for all my scripts.

    They have the extensions for all latest software installs (Silent).


    I like the idea of this forum it should help people start.


    MY PROBLEM: if someone can help me


    I have been using one2many for 300 users. I have tried to send a bat or vsb script to open a jpg picture when starting a service on the target machine. The jpg is our logo with instructions regarding us servicing the machine.
    I created a Bat file with c:\mt\rsfiles\rs.jpg for it to open on target computer.
    In dos it works but not via a bat through ONE2MANY.

    I thought this must be to do with the silent feature suppressing opening boxes to the user.

    So I tried a bat file pointing to a bat file on the target computer hard disk.
    same with a bat file pointing to a vbs script. Still no opened picture.

    I then made a website with the same displayed; 

    Can someone help me use variables in the command line to open a jpeg or a website on a target machine through ONE2MANY?

    Looking forward to your help regarding this.

    • Consultant64's avatar
      Regular Contributor

      You could try this:


      Set objExplorer = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")

      With objExplorer
          .Navigate "about:blank"
          .ToolBar = 0
          .StatusBar = 0
          .Left = 100
          .Top = 0
          .Width = 635
          .Height = 555
          .Visible = 1
          .Document.Title = "Service Complete"
          .Document.Body.InnerHTML = _
              "<img src='' height=500 width=600>"
      End With

    • KevinA's avatar
      Retired GoTo Contributor

      @iDevelop Thanks! I'll send you a LogMeIn collared shirt for your contribution (and Email you privately for your shipping address :smileyhappy:)   I'll also go ahead and add that script to our repository in the top-post.


      @Anon  Thanks for pointing us toward that resource! Feel free to contribute what's worked for you on this thread. As for your other statement.. do any Central users have a script that could open a .JPEG file on a target machine through One2Many? (You may want to re-post as a seperate topic in our Central forums for better visibility).



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  • iDevelop's avatar
    New Contributor

    Here's a little print spool cleaner (I call mine cleanspool.bat)


    @echo off

    echo Stopping print spooler


    net stop spooler

    echo deleting stuff... where?  In your System Root. :)


    del "%systemroot%\system32\spool\printers\*.shd"

    del "%systemroot"\system32\spool\printers\*.spl"

    echo Starting print spooler.


    net start spooler

  • Thanks for the scripts.  Do you have any recommendations for the best way to install Windows Updates using One2Many?  It would be great if they can be scheduled and the machine rebooted once they are complete.

    • rcolbert1971's avatar
      New Member

      Not sure of your set up however if you set up WSUS on the server and then make a GPO for the machines to look to that server for updates, its just a matter of approving the updates and the machines pulling them down.

      GPO is the best method by far,

    • AndrewBucklin's avatar
      Active Contributor

      I am too wondering how to automate Windows Updates with One2Many... Any ideas?

      • AndrewBucklin's avatar
        Active Contributor

        Found a pretty sweet program that can be run via command line to download and install Windows Updates. The Free Version does just that but the Pro version gives you a lot more control if you want to match certain REGEX expressions, auto-accept EULAs, etc.



        You can even use the free version for unlimited commercial use. Sweet!

    • KevinA's avatar
      Retired GoTo Contributor

      UPDATED 10/7/2011: Defrag and Update of AVG Virus Definitions.


      • dbzmaxx1's avatar
        New Contributor

        The two scripts you updated on the 7th, they're not there