I have been using www.appdeploy.com for all my scripts.
They have the extensions for all latest software installs (Silent).
I like the idea of this forum it should help people start.
MY PROBLEM: if someone can help me
I have been using one2many for 300 users. I have tried to send a bat or vsb script to open a jpg picture when starting a service on the target machine. The jpg is our logo with instructions regarding us servicing the machine.
I created a Bat file with c:\mt\rsfiles\rs.jpg for it to open on target computer.
In dos it works but not via a bat through ONE2MANY.
I thought this must be to do with the silent feature suppressing opening boxes to the user.
So I tried a bat file pointing to a bat file on the target computer hard disk.
same with a bat file pointing to a vbs script. Still no opened picture.
I then made a website with the same displayed; www.milnetech.com.au/rs
Can someone help me use variables in the command line to open a jpeg or a website on a target machine through ONE2MANY?
Looking forward to your help regarding this.