Hi guys,
AVG 2011 with switches I use when installing via ONE2MANY.
Program downloaded: avg_free_x86_all_2011_1120a3152.exe
Switches: /AppMode=setup /UILevel=Silent /Selectedlanguage=1033 /InstallToolbar=0 /ChangeBrowserSearchProvider=0 /InstallSidebar=0 /DisableScan /KillProcessIfNeeded
You can alter your own switches by looking up the PDF document (page 241) form here:
Some hinderences that stop this download and install from happening are:
1. AVAST or other virus software installed. If older versiona of AVG are installed the above switches will autoboot and install on reboot without user intervention.
2. UAC turned in under users on Vista and windows 7.
This will mean logging into the dash board to view installed programs which is time consuming and a pain.... OInstead I run this script to view installed programs from the script log which is much quicker.
regedit /e c:\regexport.txt "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"
find "DisplayName" c:\regexport.txt >c:\regprogs.txt
type c:\regprogs.txt
del c:\regexport.txt
del c:\regprogs.txt