Forum Discussion

AllforOnePL's avatar
Active Contributor
3 years ago

Questions section during webinar - error related to Polish characters

Hi, there is a new problem during recent weeks. When an attendee writes a question (in "questions" section), then, always when uses Polish character (like ą, ż), it automatically selects the whole text, and then, when another letter is written, it deletes it. Please help with this, we cannot talk to people with questions, it is VERY inconvinient.



  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor

    AllforOnePL  I'm sorry we don't yet have full support for certain Polish characters.  I'll let the language team know this area can be improved for Polish users. 

    • AllforOnePL's avatar
      Active Contributor

      Hi, thank you. But it worked well earlier, it looks like something changed recently, please fix it, we cannot use "Questions", and we need it 😞

      • AshC's avatar
        Retired GoTo Contributor

        Can you please confirm the GoToWebinar / GoToMeeting software version you are using there? 


        What type of webinar are you scheduling / hosting with attendees where questions are not available?