closed caption
I was practicing with GTW so see how webcast looked and worked for an attendee....I used a previous powerpoint to simulate sharing a screen...and i had closed captioning on the screen. Ok, so that was weird.
As presenter - my desktop was set up as I would usually do for a webinar. I has a different desktop device to act as the attendee. I muted the mic cause the closed captioning freaked me out a bit. Then closed captioning displayed that the audio was too low to display.
Any idea where the closed captioning came from? If webcast provides closed captioning, i would probably switch all of our events to webcast instead of webinars. Thanks
Hi JeanSmith nice to see you. The closed caption is coming from the Power Point and is often used by customers to enable closed captions. You should check your Power Point settings to disable the feature. We anticipate that Closed Caption will be available natively soon and will update the Community once it's available.