Forum Discussion

ronwood041's avatar
New Member
2 years ago

Text messaging integration to browser

I have relied on Jive, now GoToConnect, for all our business phone calls and messaging. I am on Mac OS and primarily use Firefox as the business browser. Prior to the last update, I was able to click on a customer number from our booking/ billing system in Firefox and I was be forwarded to the messaging portion of GoToConnect. I would also have a pop up window within GoToConnect to give me the option to call the number. This is the preferred functionality to improve communications with our customers.


Now when we click on the customer number, GoToConnect immediately dials and places the dial window behind other pages so difficult to find and cancel phone call. This is a loss of functionality with the update that needs to be corrected. I need to be able to click on phone number in Firefox and then text. How does this functionality get reinstated?

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