Forum Discussion

MossyRock's avatar
New Contributor
13 years ago

LogMeIN Guardian has detected a problem with the LogMeIn software...

A customer I support got an error dialog box, "LogMeIN Guardian has detected a problem with the LogMeIn software on this machine".  He supplied no other details regarding what he was doing at the time or how long the session had been established with the host.


I connected to his laptop and there are no malware infections reported by HitMan Pro or Norton.


The event viewer entry for this event is:


LogMeIn Guardian has detected a problem with the LogMeIn software installed on this machine. The problem is locally identified by the following reference ID: 'e564efd936b4fa136c2f2fc87cfcc592'.


There are no other remarkable events in the event viewer.


Any idea what happened?  Does the reference ID help?







  • eric-b's avatar
    Active Contributor

    I am getting the same error on my windows server 2012. It's only happening on that server. This is the error: LogMeIn Guardian has detected a problem with the LogMeIn software installed on this machine. The problem is locally identified by the following reference ID: '7f3d314da48078191679a895f7c6f405'.


    The software works otherwise, so maybe the client is incompatible with 2012 servers?

  • StronglyTyped's avatar
    Active Contributor

    I think I found the problem, and a fix.


    It seems like if your Log Me In credentials are the same as your PC's login credentials, it causes this error. To resolve, reset your LMI password to one that's different from your PC's password. One way to do this is to start LMI, go to View > Options and click Delete all stores login credentials, and then when the password prompt come up, click Forgot Password.

  • Having the same problem for 2 or 3 weeks now, windows 7 64 bit, intel i7 3770k, 16gb ram.  The error id the guardian gives is all zeros.  I've tried reinstalling.  I've uninstalled, restarted, then reinstalled.  No idea what to do about this other than to petition the company I work for to use a solution for meetings that works for everyone.  Been using joinme for over a year without problems prior to this.

    • Consultant64's avatar
      Regular Contributor

      I have read each post but hardly anyone gives their operating system, anti-virus, or any particulars of their computers. If you are still having these issues I would suggest adding an exclusion to your firewall and checking your exclusions in your anti-virus. For example Avast in hardened mode may silently block complete access so you would enter *\LogMeIn as the path in File System Shield, this would also apply to windows firewall.

  • ROBSAL's avatar
    New Contributor

    Has there been a resolution for this ??


    104 LogMeIn Guardian SYSTEM 9/15/2014 10:01 AM POS
    Category: General
    Message:  LogMeIn Guardian has detected a problem with the LogMeIn software installed on this machine. The problem is locally identified by the following reference ID: 'aa0951b1611d1682f10c4a8453d4c3ab'.

    • j_helland's avatar
      Active Contributor

      I've had this now on several of my LMI Pro installations. The only way we've been able to get rid of it is to uninstall the LMI software, reboot and do a reinstall. Would be nice if there were a quick fix issued by the folks @ LMI instead of having to do it this way. 

      • mikepfly2's avatar
        New Member

        I tried to pass the presenter role to one of my clients and they kept getting this error. It worked fine with the same client lat week. We had to use the Clients WebEx software instead which doesn't make me look very professional...


        Any fix? This caused by the updated software?


  • Jezzer's avatar
    New Contributor

    I'm getting this issue with a newly installed client. It's popped up an error on his screen, asking if he wants to submit an error report. I connected remotely, clicked send report and to do so automatically without notification, so he won't be directly bothered by it.

    Here is the Event log message:

    LogMeIn Guardian has detected a problem with the LogMeIn software installed on this machine. The problem is locally identified by the following reference ID: '6911349d0238319cf18ba9c5b2b1a975'.

    I haven't noticed it causing any problems yet. But I would like to know what is causing it.

    It's a Windows 7 pro laptop.

  • Hello,


    One of my client uncounter the exact same issue.


    Is that possible to obtain an answer and a solution, please?


    We like a lot working with your product but if it bothers the client, we will have to uninstall it.


    Thanks in advance.



    • vscheer's avatar
      New Member

      I have 2 clients who have encountered same error; both running Windows 7 & LMI free client. I connect via LMI central.  Guardian also wants to send back error report.  The first client just x'ed out window; 2nd client tried to send error report, and it would not go through.  This client was working wirelessly and this connection did not work.  After hard wiring, I logged in and found the wireless driver failed...after resetting both hardware and software controlling wireless, wireless connection worked.  Still no idea on what trigged this error message from LMI.  I've used LMI for a number of years and have never encountered this error message. Will get logs and send to tech support. 

      • silvatek's avatar

        I have a client (my dad) using Logmein free version under Windows 7 Home Premium. He's started getting this message but I can do nothing about it until I visit him in a month's time. I keep hoping Logmein will issue an automatic fix. As it's occurring several times a week, I'm tempted to get him to uninstall it altogether - or maybe I'll connect one last time and just remove Logmein from the startup.

  • MossyRock's avatar
    New Contributor

    No responses.  I guess there is no one out there that can help with either of our issues.


    I think we should file support tickets.

    • micfre's avatar
      New Member

      Nothing to add other than confirmation that LMI is not working on my Win 8 CP machine either. Conects and fails immediately, reporting a problem detected by Guardian.



  • Mark532011's avatar
    New Contributor

    I am receiving a similar message. The id is different and I don't know if that is a generic message and the ID is the key or if the id just relates to computer-account or something.


    In my case, I have installed it onto Windows 8 RP and although everything looks fine, and most functions work correctly but when I try to remote-control I get a 202 (remote control session initiated) and see a flash of the desktop then a disconnect with error 104 and the following:


    Message:  LogMeIn Guardian has detected a problem with the LogMeIn software installed on this machine. The problem is locally identified by the following reference ID: '386708ab41884ad6d1d37258cd9b6140'  



    my guess is an incompatible display driver since I can do other functions (such as event viewer). I will be trying a newer driver.



    • Mark532011's avatar
      New Contributor

      it was not a display driver issue (at least I donwloadded the latest one). So I guess atm LogMeIn is incompatible with Win8 RP (it worked with CP)