Forum Discussion

Gianni Rossi's avatar
Gianni Rossi
Active Contributor
4 years ago

Recording cut after the first 2 minutes

On Thursday 21 January 2021, we held a webinar lasting about an hour, from 17:00 to 18:00 CET. We recorded it, however in the video library we find a recording of just 2 minutes. What may have happened? Locally we find the same video of just 2 minutes. Throughout the webinar, "Registering" was displayed.

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor

    Hi Gianni,

    If you ended up with a 2 minute recording then something may have gone wrong during the broadcast itself.  Did you have any Co-Organizers recording from their PCs elsewhere?


    What happens when you attempt to record a test webinar using the same audio and video connections?

    • Gianni Rossi's avatar
      Gianni Rossi
      Active Contributor

      Hi AshC,

      yes, we were 2 organizers and we both recorded, so is this the problem? Only one has to record?

      • AshC's avatar
        Retired GoTo Contributor

        Gianni Rossi  You are allowed to both record simultaneously, which is why I was wondering if there was another copy out there that can confirm the shortness of the file itself.  If you only have one copy, then it is likely that the remainder of the session was not recorded at all.