Chromacam usability
I have been hosting meetings for my clients for about 9 months and decided to try the GoToMeeting Hub Virtual Background. Aside from the relatively robust hardware requirements (which I've met), I'm wondering if anyone has had Internet bandwidth issues using this feature. It is currently showing as in Beta-testing, and I had 200 Mbps down/20 Mbps upload broadband, and recently I'd had several meetings where the video/audio began breaking up. The meeting had about a dozen participants, sharing a screen and using cloud recording. I had to switch from the Chromacam virtual camera back to my physical webcam to restore continuity of the meeting I was hosting. It appears that the upstream bandwidth required to send video up to (Chromacam hosting) and back down is impairing the basic meeting functionality. I use Zoom with my other clients, and the background is locally processed rather than being a cloud service so this isn't a problem there. Hopefully others have had experiences to compare? Thanks for your feedback.
gwtechllc I just recently contracted with another service and moving away from G2M and the ChromaCam issues are one of the very few reasons for this decision. It seems pretty clear that G2M thinks what they have is good enough and it isn't. Sadly, going elsewhere is the only option we have. G2M took over 2 years to deliver the ChromaCam integration and has been claiming ChromaCam works for over a year and seems to be ignoring the fact that it doesn't.