Forum Discussion

Joshua Oakes's avatar
Joshua Oakes
New Member
12 years ago

Read-only access to issues

Hi all

Does anyone know if it's possibly to give other users at least read-only access to issues that others have created? I should be able to email a link to an issue so others can view and follow the progress.

When I email links or when other users search by issue number, nothing is found :(
  • Luke Grimstrup's avatar
    Luke Grimstrup
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    Hi Joshua,

    At the moment it's not possible to give users Read-Only Access. Users must have access to the services in order to see (and search for) the incidents others have created.

    The only types of account rights can be found when you go to Configure > Users > Select a User.

    This is however a feature request we're keeping track of, and I've added a +1 for it :)
