Forum Discussion

Homes's avatar
New Member
9 years ago

Once the last task has been closed, automatically close the incident

I tried looking for an answer or feedback on this particular issue but I had no luck, I'm new to Service Desk so I'm not sure if this is even possible, any help will be greatly appreciated it.

Question: Is there any way to automatically close an incident once last task has been completed?

For example: We received a request from JoAnn in Human Resources of a new hire starting next week.

An incident with multiple tasks is created by Robert, our Service Desk Manager:

Task 1: Establish network access, Task Owner: John, Due Date: Thursday

Task 2: Setup Computer, Task Owner: Steve, Due Date: Friday

Task 3: Train New Hire: Task Owner: Christi, Due Date: Monday

Ideally, once the last person in our task list, in this case, Task 3, once Christi meets with the new hire and closes her task, the incident would automatically be closed, is this possible?

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