Forum Discussion

Geoff111's avatar
New Member
12 years ago

Is it possible to add 'Fixed' as an option when closing a Problem?

Hi Guys
When closing a Problem on the Service Desk the only options we have are Workaround and No Workaround...
Kind of stating the obvious but if a problem is fixed without the need for a workaround then having that as an option makes sense
  • Luke Grimstrup's avatar
    Luke Grimstrup
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    Hi Geoff,

    When you close a Problem you can currently choose the option, that makes mention to the problem being permanently fixed. See screenshot:

    Is this what you mean?

  • Hi Luke
    Thinking about it yes that is what I meant. I was only looking at the 2 options available before you click 'Close' (No Workaround and Workaround).
    If its permanantly fixed then No Workaround is the option to select followed by the tick box you've highlighted above.
    Apologies but Thank You :)