Forum Discussion

Erika T's avatar
Erika T
New Member
10 years ago

Additional Technicians added when closing an incident

I have been having the following issue lately i.e. whenever an incident(s) is closed - a new technician is automatically added to the watchlist which originally consists of 2 technicians. This is fine but the  3rd technician in question belongs to a different group and is not suppose to be monitoring the incident. Is there a way to correct this issue? This issue is kind of annoying as in order to "correct" this issue I would have to go back to the closed incident and removed the 3rd technician and re-save the incident.

Any advice to the above is much appreciated, thank you.

  • jemmyw's avatar
    Active Contributor
    Hi Erika, this sounds like an interesting problem. The first thing to check is any triggers you may have setup on the account or service. Visit Configure -> Account-Wide Settings -> Triggers and Configure -> Services -> Incidents -> Triggers

    If that doesn't help then we would have to take a look at your account. To do that you'd need to contact Citrix Global Support

    Taking screenshots or a screen capture of the problem occurring as you close the incident would be helpful. Global Support can help you with those if you're not able to provide them.