Forum Discussion

  • I request account deletion.

    name: sdasd2

    email: (removed for privacy - GlennD )

  • I have an account in your database with the name Luan Lima, and email I am not using this account anymore and would like to formally request the remove of all my personal and private details from your database, please delete the account and also erase notification, if any.

    • AshC's avatar
      Retired GoTo Contributor

      iLobbo  Account deletion requests must be confirmed for security purposes though a Customer Support case.  I'm sorry that we cannot handle these directly in the Community. 

  • Please delete the account.
    I'd like to cancel my contact.


    Why don't you reply?
    Cancel without updating on October 29, 2020.
    Don't charge for October 29, 2020.
    Use until October 28, 2020.


    Please call in Japanese between 9am and 5pm Japan time.


    Does your company delay the reply in case of cancellation?
    Are you making a fool of the company that cancels?


    I've been emailing for more than half a year.
    Why not reply?



    This is a confirmation email to let you know we’ve received your support request. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are seeing an increase in volume as more people are looking for a reliable remote work solution. There may be a delay in our response, and we appreciate your patience during this time.


    Why do I only get this email?

  • Same boat. I wish someone would provide an answer. This is asked multiple times throughout the forum. I want my email address removed completely from the system. Hope someone actually responds. I do not want to contact sales/support and get a pitch or worse just wait endlessly on line. Please provide a way to do this.


  • Hi I have tried to call on phone and e-mail to get my account deleted but still with no luck.

    Can you please delet my account!




  • Former Member's avatar
    Former Member

    I wanna delete my logmein account, I don't wanna have it anymore, But there is no way i found to do so and i cannot call support because I don't have a Phone number so please can you delete my account permanentely from your website or tell me a way to do so myself. Thank You !

    • Yahaira's avatar
      Retired GoTo Contributor

      leglessmatt hi Matt, thank you for reaching out to us!


      We would be happy to assist you. Please contact Customer Support directly for assistance with this matter. 





    • Altsprachenfreu's avatar
      New Contributor



      Last Sunday, I signed up at LogMeIn Hamachi and I now seem to have a trial of LogMeIn Central. I do not this account at all, even not for Hamachi, only because of a fallacy I thought, that I need an account for my use of Hamachi.


      I have already written at Sunday to the support, I get at Monday the response, that I should confirm, that I would like my account to be deleted. At the same day, I confirmed this (wrongly?), than I got at Thursday a survey. I replied than if something was wrong, but I have not got an answer yet.


      Now, two things:


      First: If a member of LogMeIn Team reads this, could he/she delete my account named My ticket number was 03863738.


      (Second: What happens, when the trial ends? Becomes it automatically a premium account, liable to costs, or can I decide, whether I want to become a premium user or to delete my account?)(only important if the Team, whyever, does not delete my account.)


      Yours sincerely, Altsprachenfreund



  • Hi,


    Please could I request all my accounts (product account, forum account etc) to be permantently deleted as soon as possible.


    Many thanks,
