Forum Discussion

dyna's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

Firefox flash stopped working

Sometime last week firefox flash stopped working for me, the screen just stays black and nothing happens.

Tried on 2 different linux installs and 1 windows install.

Is it working for anyone else?

  • klur's avatar
    New Member

    Not working for us either. Us in IT are 100% linux for the remote control side. The HTML 5 client is absolute garbage. For us at least, it seems to be all related to the new host version 13774.


    We PREFER html 5, but not in it's garbage state. Logmein should have dumped the insecure flash 5 years ago at least, but again, that HTML 5 is totally unuseable.


    We will be forced to move to another product if they don't get this fixed in another week or so.

    • dyna's avatar
      New Contributor

      Thanks for confirming. Already looking at alternatives...


      But what do you mean with HTML5? Is that the thing with screenshots and having to send keystrokes in a seperate box? Yeah that's garbage indeed not even an option for actual use imo, right now i just use to atleast get access so i can then start other remote software and continue from there.


      Since flash will be gone for real soon i doubt the flash ui will be fixed and with no other options i will be forced to switch to another solution.