Forum Discussion

clages1's avatar
New Contributor
6 years ago

Connecing in remote compute do no work on all PC's , but file transfer works fine

Using Logmein Client, accessing any of the 25 servers i Have , to file transfers  works fine
but If i choose Remote access , do not work in any of this 25 serves
i have tryied  to access using diferent computer to check if it is a Internet problems or firewall etc
In all of them i can not access. It say i am connect, but the screen keep  Hourglass running forever


  • clages1's avatar
    New Contributor

    more information
    in my machine with win7 64 pro  using FireFox  or  Chrome  do not work
    using Internet Explore  works


    using for first time a Win10 64 pro  using FireFox  works  fine



    • AshC's avatar
      Retired GoTo Contributor

      clages1  It sounds like you've narrowed down the problem to your Windows 7 PC? 


      Have you tried a private browsing window on there to see if it helps the connection? 

      If not, could you specify what browser versions are causing the problem?

      • clages1's avatar
        New Contributor
        tks for reply
        i did not do nothing  in the computer, and Now is working again
        tks anyway
        carlos lages