JHB's avatar
Frequent Contributor
10 years ago
Reviewed by moderator

Allow Panelist(s) to See All Questions

Not so much a question as a feature request.  (I thought we had a category for that.)

Please add the ability for an organizer to allow a specific
panelist (or all panelists) to view ALL questions.

Currently, must promote them to Organizer, which gives them the power to END the meeting.  I always warn them
when it's necessary to do this. I point out Exit Webinar vs End
Webinar should they need to withdraw from the session.  It has still happened by accident. 

It also gives them too many other powers, like ability to dismiss people.  Mostly it works out okay, until the curious "organizer" starts clicking on options!

  • BKD Webinar's avatar
    BKD Webinar
    Active Contributor
    This idea would be of great help or the option to assign a questions to multiple presenters.  I may not want the presenters to have to weed through attendee technical questions or basic administrative questions, but I may also need more than one presenter to be able to see a question if I don't know who will want to field it.
  • JHB's avatar
    Frequent Contributor
    Thanks. I misread the description and thought this category was more like user tips. Moving too fast today! 
  • GlennD's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    I've switched this to an Idea so it can be considered for a future update.
  • David Hunt's avatar
    David Hunt
    Active Contributor
    I too would support this request. It would be very useful and sensible.
  • Not sure if anyone else uses this strategy, but during our webinars, I (the organizer) appoint one panelist (the "filter guy") to delegate questions to the rest of the panel. I assign all questions to that the "filter guy", who then reads the questions aloud during a Q&A session at the end of the presentation, and the other panelists can answer.

    Ideally, we'd like to be able to assign questions to ALL panelists, so they can see the questions and formulate their answers in advance. Is there a way to do this, or is one in the works?

    Currently, our workaround is this: the "filter guy" can copy and paste the question into a private chat message to the panelist he wants to delegate the question to, so that panelist can be ready to answer when the Q&A time comes. Thanks for any help you can give!

  • Hi,

    We have used GoToWebinar and GoToMeeting for over 5 years and love the webinar experience. However, we also have to use other webinar companies as well to cover the areas you don't (hosted videos, stand alone testing, etc.). We wanted to use GoToWebinar 100% for all our webinars but the ability (on non-ability) for the attendees to communicate or even view the questions asked has kept up from the switch. We would use GoToMeeting that has this functionality but we have over 25 attendees in all of our sessions. I am requesting for there to be a choice while setting up a class (or in-class) to let the attendees view the question or chat dialogue box. It is available in GoToMeeting. Why not GoToWebinar?


    • Laelka's avatar
      New Member

      We also have to use multiple webinar platforms because the attendees cannot see the Questions coming in GoToWebinar. To compete with Zoom, GoToWebinar should absolutely create an option to allow attendees to see the Questions (just like we have one for them to see the attendee list) so we can decide for ourselves what level of moderation each session will have. Sometimes we want the Questions open, and sometimes we want it more closed. Would be nice to have a checkbox option.

    • Michael Theisen's avatar
      Michael Theisen
      New Member
      I'm surprised this has not been added, nor a chat area that all can see. This is so behind the tech times for webinars and virtual meetings. Why does nit not exist in GTW? Our attendees are so used to it and now they are complaining.
    • Joshua Roy's avatar
      Joshua Roy
      New Member
      Yes I would like this ability as well.  I see no reason why I wouldn't want everyone to see the questions.  This should be an option.  Right now they can only see questions after we answer.  We get the same questions over and over because no one can see existing questions.
    • Tony Tissot1's avatar
      Tony Tissot1
      Active Contributor
      I want to keep this request live. Add a way for a panelist to see all questions - Without having to be made an Organizer.
    • Ken4's avatar
      Frequent Contributor
      Agree with JHB and Ken. That's all I'm saying is they need to be able to view questions box as panelist without giving them organizer rights. I'm not worried about the polling as a panelist because I give them keyboard and mouse controls from a 2nd computer of mine anyway, so they see the results like the attendees once the results are shared. 
      Panelist should see the question section. Thanks