Ashley Price's avatar
Ashley Price
Active Contributor
8 years ago
Reviewed by moderator

Add a multi-session registration report

Please allow for multi-select so that we can pull multiple webinars at once for Registration and Attendee reports! I schedule dozens of webinars a month, and my account managers are asking for a comprehensive list of our clients who have attended my webinars over the past year. Exporting each webinar to excel and combining is so time consuming and I don't have the time to do it!  I love your product other than this huge limitation. 


(moderator's note: A multi-session attendee report has been added)

  • This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled report on multiple webinars.

    I need to download reports for 20+ webinars over several months. How can I generate 1 report for all webinars/attendees without having to do it individually for each webinar?
  • I've been asking for this feature for over a year...thanks for keeping the "bug" in their ear alive and well!!! :)
  • Ashley Price's avatar
    Ashley Price
    Active Contributor
    That would be extremely ideal. We are looking to purchase a Learning Management System because GotoWebinar cannot offer us the reporting that we desperately need! Soon, we will finally be able to get this data...but only after spending thousands of dollars...
  • I agree wholeheartedly! I would also like the ability to run statistics on things like average attendance per month (or per topic), attendance vs. registration, etc. I love everything about the GoTo products except for the reporting options.