Ankita Modi's avatar
Ankita Modi
Active Contributor
11 years ago

Sending files / file sharing during the broadcast

Frequently, during the meeting we would like to share files to respective team member. It would be nice if Gotomeeting has this feature. Our current workaround is to make someone presenter just to show one file and take control back but it is not the right way,

  • We are sometimes on GTM calls doing support and would like to have an attendee be able to send a screenshot of an error to the moderator/presenter, or just send a file, rather than showing it to everyone with the hassle of passing control and having them figure out how to show their screen. It would be much faster if you could just have a Send File button in the Chat control area, much like iMessage (Apple) and other IM clients have.
  • We're also looking for to be able to attach slides to the webinar link so that participants can download them prior to the session. Are there any solutions for this?
  • GlennD's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    There are other free services out there that provide a similar service for small files.
  • Thanks Glenn,

    I don't think anybody wants to pay $100 per month just for this capability.
  • GlennD's avatar
    GoTo Manager


    Currently we do not have a built in file sharing feature, however you can work around this by uploading the file to a service like and then pasting a link to the file in the Chat.



    • mkidney's avatar
      New Member

      when I try to use the file share option via "send to" menu, it is not showing as an option.  can you tell me why.

      Im using win10 64bit sytem

    • mkidney's avatar
      New Member

      when I try to use the file share option via "send to" menu, it is not showing as an option.  can you tell me why.

      Im using win10 64bit sytem

  • This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
    File transfer.

    Is there a way to do a file transfer from the presenters computer to one of the attendees computers? I was told this is possible but I can't see that option when signed in.
  • I need to be able to copy data from document on my desktop and paste it into a screen/document on client side of the session
    • DHinfosec's avatar
      New Member

      Good afternoon. Why hasnt the copy paste function between desktops been enabled. I saw this was brought up years ago and i cant get it to work. Am i missing something or is there a good reason why this hasnt been enable. chat box is not good, and furthermore I dont was passwords in the chat box. security is always important here.

    • alexchandel's avatar
      New Member

      The ability to copy into a shared clipboard, and paste out of that shared clipboard, would be extremely useful for rapidly sharing text or moving it onto a shared screen.

    • Kostia Khlbprs's avatar
      Kostia Khlbprs
      New Member
      GTM if you implement this feature, I will happily transition from Zoom back to you. Zoom has all the right features but lacks in performance and lags unlike GTM. GTM disappoints by not listening to its user base and not implementing a feature that should be as common sense as wearing socks with shoes (its a must or your uncomfortable and get sweaty). You need copy paste between host and client with screen sharing software (its a must or your uncomfortable and get sweaty).