Forum Discussion
Nevermore. If you need the AMLfile copy this to notepad
<name>SAMPLE - Defragment Status - C and D Drive</name>
C:\Logmein_Rescue_Scripts\Defrag_Info_Sample\defrag info Cdrive.cmd
<name>SAMPLE - Device Driver details</name>
SAMPLE - Software Deployment - Rescue AVI Converter
<name>SAMPLE - MAC Address retrieval</name>
<name>SAMPLE - IP Config command</name>
When you save it, go to Save as Type and change it to All Files. Then name it Rescue Sample Scripts Definition.XML . Then you are done
A useful thing to do is redirect output from VBS scripts to the console window, i.e. so that instead of say a message box popping up on the screen of the machine to which you are connected you get the output on the chat window in LogMeIn (by redirecting output to the console). There are 2 simple steps:
1) Use a batch file to call the script using 'cscript', format: cscript <VBscript name>
2) Add the VBscript file as a resource file
1) Create a batch file called printer.bat which contains one line:
cscript printer.vbs
2) Create a VBscript file called printer.vbs which contains the following (to enumerate printers):
Option Explicit
Dim objWMIService, objItem, colItems, strComputer, intPrinters
dim sOutput
strComputer ="."
intPrinters = 1
' --------------------------------------------
' Pure WMI Section
Set objWMIService = GetObject _
("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\CIMV2")
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
("SELECT * FROM Win32_Printer")
'Call Wait() ' Goto Sub Routine at the end
' On Error Resume Next
For Each objItem In colItems
sOutput = sOutput & vbCRLF &
intPrinters = intPrinters + 1
wscript.echo sOutput
sub Wait()
If strComputer = "." then
strComputer = "Local Host"
else strComputer = strComputer
end if
WScript.Echo "Wait 2 mins for " & strComputer _
& " to enumerate printers"
End Sub
3) Add the batch file as the script file and the VBscript file as the resource file.
4) When you DEPLOY you should get a list of the remote printers...