Forum Discussion
No, don't want unattended access.
Need to know if it's possible to install the installer silently with vendor support's access code passed through a GUI that I built for the client, and in the meantime grant full access that would require mouse click during normal process.
Bump up.
Is it possible?
I want to deploy an Azure Automation job runbook at on-prem servers, such that end users can install logmein 123 without IT's involvement.
The workflow will be:
1. End user submit a Microsoft Form -- they need permission to access the form
2. The form submission triggers Power Automate
3. Power Automate triggers Azure Automation
4. Azure Automation runs the installation job on an on-prem Azure Arc enabled server.
5. Vendor technical gets access
This way, IT doesn't need to manually connect to the server and give vendor tech support.