Cannot Ping : Asterisk in front of IP in hamachi. Green, no firewall problems.
One of the computers (In a different city) i am connected to has the green symbol flashing. When I run diagnosis, everything is good, but after the name but in fromt of the IP there is a * asterisk
I cannot browse that computer or ping it, I get a timed out.
The weird thing is I have another computer next to me that is on my "Local" network that can ping(the computer in the other city) it and browse the computer just fine.
I set up the firewalls on all 3 computers, and on this computer, I'm having problems with I just have the fire wall turned off. incase i messed up.
Summary report
Test name: Peer Result: [GREEN] -> OK
Tunnel: OK
Local results:
Adapter configuration: OK
Traffic test: OK
Peer results: [164-461-334]
Adapter configuration: OK
Traffic test: OK