Can Mac Users have a Windows Experience on LMI Rescue?
I've been using LMI Rescue for work on a Mac for 4 years now, and my desktop PC at home is a Windows machine. The experience between the two OS's for LMI is pretty obvious. I understand Apple makes things difficult, but as. a third. party app, I feel like the experience for Mac users doesnt really seem to be important to LMI. The app crashes often. (especially on Mojave) and has many weird bugs (IE typing loses its place unless all but one sessions are on On Hold, trying to use keyboard commands sometimes weirdly minimizes the window and pops it out, I have a wierd "Wineloaded" icon that somehow controls the software for minimizing, I can't Command Tab to cylce through windows anymore meaning to quickly swtich to my local browser to reference something and then jump back into full screen, and the list goes on and on). Can anyone speak to this? The crashing of the app is really the most devastating, but why does Mac feel like an after thought? Im attaching a SS of the icon that has to pop up in the dock in order for me to run the app on a completely up to date version of OS. X Mojave. You can see when i hover over with mouse it says Wineloader64. I've uninstalled and. re-installed and nothing helps.