Forum Discussion

Misogi's avatar
New Member
5 years ago

How do I delete my account?

Please delete my account and all associated information you have about me. I have no need for your services, and it's frankly disappointing as all hell that you haven't remedied the deletion problem in FIVE YEARS since I saw a post about it come up. Shame on you. 

  • To cancel a trial

    To cancel your trial, simply wait for it to expire. No action is required unless you paid for a monthly or annual subscription during the trial period.


    Remember: Unless you gave credit card information to GoTo during your trial or at some point purchased a subscription, there is no need to cancel or delete your account.

    To modify or cancel a subscription

    To cancel your account or change the auto-renewal status of your account, please select Contact Support in this article. Our Customer Care Team will be happy to help you. Online cancellation is not available for Central at this time.


    To Delete your Cancelled account: 
    If your account has been cancelled already and you wish to have it deleted completely, you can make a request through our new Individual Rights Management Portal
    Why don't you get a direct phone number?

    Depending on your country or region, we offer different phone support numbers. To make sure that you get the right number, we need you to select your country first on the Contact Support form.

    There is no toll-free number for my location?

    An option to Email Support should also displayed if you do not speak English or Spanish.









  • Please delete my account.  I don't need use LogMeIn anymore

  • Hello Support,

    I would like to discontinue my account with your services and applications, I no longer have use for them at this time.

    Thank You.

    • OLDNWASTED0013's avatar
      New Contributor

      Hello Support,

      To clarify I have a LogMeIn Pro account for which I would like discontinued, I have no longer any use for it.

      Thank You.

      • AshC's avatar
        Retired GoTo Contributor

        OLDNWASTED0013  Please follow the instructions outlined in the marked solution on this thread.  

  • I'm so confused by this site?  Why isn't it possible to get in touch with a single soul to ask for help? I've been looking for a way to delete the account for the last hour and the only thing which sort of resembles support is the chatbot which kept referring to the site which doesn't offer any help at all.


    so now I'm here, following a very elaborate online guide suggesting that this would surely trick the costumer support to reveal themselves -- hopefully it works. 

    • AshC's avatar
      Retired GoTo Contributor

      Lostinthemaze   Please follow the instructions noted in the solution of this thread to contact Customer Support directly.  Once they confirm your identity they will process the account deletion request.  


      • Lostinthemaze's avatar
        New Contributor

        What do you mean? I follow the links in the threads which all leads me to the page, which sends me further to the page which sends me here. I've been to all the pages on the entire web site, and no help is to be found.

  • Здраствуйте, я хочу удалить свою учетную запись и все связанные с ней данные. Причина по которой я хочу удалить аккаунт является тем, что ваши услуги мне не интересны и не нужны

    С нетерпением жду от вас ответа


  • Gabizzu02's avatar
    New Contributor

    Dear Sir or Madam,

    Please I want to cancel this payment because I dont use this program and please cancel for the future payments.
    The user ID  (removed for privacy)

    Please delete the account because I haven't used it for 2 years.

    Please send me the money back.
    Thank you,
    Gabriel Trifan 
    • GlennD's avatar
      GoTo Manager

      Hi @Gabizzu02, I have opened a support ticket for you and submitted your cancelation request.


  • Former Member's avatar
    Former Member

    Please Delete My Account.


    I do not intend to use this service.

    I saw that I cannot do it myself, only by contacting.

    This is disappointing.


    Thank you.

  • As per most of the users above, I would also like for my account to be deleted, thank you.

    • GlennD's avatar
      GoTo Manager

      To cancel a trial

      To cancel your trial, simply wait for it to expire. No action is required unless you paid for a monthly or annual subscription during the trial period.


      Remember: Unless you gave credit card information to GoTo during your trial or at some point purchased a subscription, there is no need to cancel or delete your account.

      To modify or cancel a subscription

      To cancel your account or change the auto-renewal status of your account, please select Contact Support in this article. Our Customer Care Team will be happy to help you. Online cancellation is not available for Central at this time.


      To Delete your Cancelled account: 
      If your account has been cancelled already and you wish to have it deleted completely, you can make a request through our new Individual Rights Management Portal
      Why don't you get a direct phone number?

      Depending on your country or region, we offer different phone support numbers. To make sure that you get the right number, we need you to select your country first on the Contact Support form.

      There is no toll-free number for my location?

      An option to Email Support should also displayed if you do not speak English or Spanish.