Forum Discussion

Steve Shurtz's avatar
Steve Shurtz
New Member
8 years ago

Custom Fields on Companies

Is it possible to add custom fields to companies in order to track additional information?
  • troglotech's avatar
    Active Contributor
    Or add frequently used fields:

    Contact name
    Contact phone
    Contact Email
    Company code
    Company name
    Company city, state and zip
    Assigned technician

    Did I miss anything, Steve?
  • Hi! thanks for the quick reply!

    We were looking to add fields to the company information outside of incidents. For instance, we focus in dealing with Financial Institutions and would like to have a field called Routing Number for each company we work with as well as additional details.
  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    I see what you mean, Steve.

    I'll change this conversation to an Idea now that I know where you're coming from, as it's not currently an option to add more fields there for companies.

  • We would like to track if company is private or public, who their internal and external auditors are, initial contract date, so custom fields would be a huge bonus.
  • troglotech's avatar
    Active Contributor
    A number of requests have been made for this capability, Search for word "Customer" in this forum.

    No interest to date from Citrix. Maybe logmein will be more responsive to popular requests
    • SMCarr's avatar
      New Member

      We provide support contracts for our customers, different types, annual support and time and materials.

      We would like to be able to provide that detail to technicans for review when working on tickets.

      Type of support, current status (paid, overdue, onhold) effective dates.

      This is really at a company level, not on the incident level.

      Just adding if anyone else has found a work around or that LogMeIn will notice the requirement and add custom fields to company.